Golden Girls - The Laughs Continue

Side-splitting spectacular!
Washington Blade
Why see Golden Girls - The Laughs Continue?
The Older You Get, The Better You Get...Unless You're A Banana
Blanche, Dorothy, Rose, and Sophia return as you've never seen them before, this time they're unfiltered and in drag, and there's even a special cheesecake. Follow the bold seniors as they embark on their post-show journeys as written by Robert Leleux, creator of the campy horror movie Big Easy Queens. Eric Swanson, who worked with Leleux on Big Easy Queens has taken the directorial helm and promises to take the Golden Girls to places they've never been. Don't miss out on your chance to see the eleganza extravaganza that is Golden Girls - The Laughs Continue!
What Is Golden Girls About?
Sophia got busted for selling drugs, Dorothy has a passionate young lover, and Rose and Blanche have created CreakN, a hook-up app for seniors. What adventures will unfold in this new episode of The Golden Girls?
Key Information
Run Time
Customer reviews
Golden Girls
Absolutely hilarious